In case you are experiencing no audio or one way audio issue, please make sure that Dang is allowed to use the microphone on your device.
Open iPhone’s “Settings”->”Privacy” and allow Dang to use the microphone.
If the microphone is enabled, but still there is one-way audio, or no audio at all, please try to disable or enable STUN according to its current state.
STUN is located in Dang -> Settings -> Accounts -> your account -> Network Settings.
If using Dang with WiFi, please make sure that the routing device is not blocking ports used by Dang. The default ports used by Dang are:
SIP port is 5060
IAX port is 4569 UDP
RTP port is 8000 and above UDP
Default STUN vallues:
Server hostname /IP
Port : 3478 UDP/TCP
Refresh period : 30